Limousine transportation, once a dream car for ordinary people, is a standard part of Miami nightlife and available in unprecedented varieties. A large number of car rental companies are offering an assortment of Limousines at very competitive rates due to the higher demand for limo services that have given rise to a large number of limo services in Miami. Your choice of type of Limousine to hire depends on type of occasion you are hiring the limousine for. There are several reasons to choose a particular type of limousine for rent. Everybody has his own needs and taste that determine his or her choice. Limousines come in different styles and models, so when shopping for a limo in Miami, you have more choices now than ever before. You can select vehicles such as Cadillac or Lincoln sedans, Ford Excursion, Hummer, BMW, Mercedes Benz, or limos. In fact, in picking, it actually depends upon the event and how many people who will ride with you in the limo. Typically, sedans can have room for 3 to 4, SUVs can have room for 7, and standard stretch limos can have room for 6 to 10. So, choose one that can go with your needs. If you need a vehicle that can have room for about 20 people, you can go with a limo bus. Here are a few guidelines that will be helpful for you to review prior to booking a limo in Miami:
1. You should know the seating arrangement. This will give you the idea of level of comfort of seating and maximum number of group members to take. Hummer limos in Miami contain the latest style as well as seating capacity for up to 18 passengers.
2. Read online reviews about the limousine operator or check the Better Business Bureau to make sure the limo operator you are contacting has a solid reputation. After confirming that the limo company has a good track record, its not necessary to shop more than two or three rental companies. Normally most of limousine rental companies have similar pricing structure. Just look for quality of service the company is offering and more importantly, the fleet of limos.
3. Hire from a company that offers the largest number of options so you can be sure to acquire the best limo choice for your occasion. Most of the established operators display their fleet of limos online and offer a number of stretch, SUV, and Limo Bus options.
4. Remember that it’s important that you tip the driver. Normally limo drivers depend on tips to a degree and tipping should be built in to your budget.
Most limousine companies in Miami can be found online where quotes can be acquired in real time as well as reservations. Whether you are booking your Miami limo service for a wedding, prom night, or a night on the town, Miami limo operators can help you choose the right limousine for your occasion.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
4 Limo Types for Your Occasion in Miami
Any important occasion in your life can be made special with a limo. The style, luxury and comfort provided by a limo makes it a dream mode of transportation for many.
Whether it is an anniversary, wedding, prom or a romantic date or a San Francisco city tour, a limousine can make a whole lot of difference to your day making it an unforgettable one. As more and more people are hiring limos for commuting, a number of limo service providers have come up Miami, But before hiring a limo model from any reputed Miami Limousine rental company it is better to know about the various categories of limos to know exactly which model you want.
Traditional limousines:
Typically an extension of a regular four-door sedan, a traditional limo is modified to make it look more sophisticated and luxurious. The wheelbase and frame of the traditional limousines are extended much longer as compared to sedans in order to provide more legroom to the passengers on the forward-facing bench seat, Major amenities include TV, CD/DVD player, refrigerator and bar.
Stretch limousines:
These spacious and elegant limos have all the elements to grab the attention of the people at one go. With amenities such as TV, CD/DVD player, bar and refrigerator, the stretch limos come with a seating capacity of up to 15 passengers.
These limos are longer than other kinds of limo with seats arranged alongside the length of the car so that people can sit facing each other. The most popular stretch limos are Hummer H2, Mercedes-Benz S Class, Volkswagen, Lincoln Navigator, Lexus, Corvettes and Ford Excursion
Exotic limousines:
These limos are the ultimate in luxury and can be customized according to the needs of the passengers. Along with fully-loaded bar and disco lights, an exotic limo also includes facilities such as an operational hot tub, bullet proof glass, and soundproof sliding glass window partition separating the driver and the passengers and even a mini bedroom for ultimate comfort.
The high-end limos that can be changed into exotic limos include models such as Hummer H2, Jaguar, Infiniti, Cadillac DTS, Bentley, Chrysler, Audi, Lincoln Navigator, Ford Excursion, Lincoln Town Car, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Rolls-Royce and many more. All these models are very popular one and can be hired from any reputed New York, Oakland or San Francisco Limousine rental company.
Party bus:
If you are part of a large group of people on a tour, say a night out in San Francisco and the Bay Area, the ideal way to go about it is to hire a limousine party bus. A party bus can carry from 10 to 50 passengers in ultimate style and luxury. Usually a party bus is designed for larger groups of people and is equipped with comfortable seats, fully loaded in-built bars, and remote controlled large windows for better view, surround sound systems, plasma televisions, DVD player, disco lights, and also smoke machines. Many party buses allow smoking and drinking on board.
So, book a great limo and enjoy your ride in Miami!
Whether it is an anniversary, wedding, prom or a romantic date or a San Francisco city tour, a limousine can make a whole lot of difference to your day making it an unforgettable one. As more and more people are hiring limos for commuting, a number of limo service providers have come up Miami, But before hiring a limo model from any reputed Miami Limousine rental company it is better to know about the various categories of limos to know exactly which model you want.
Traditional limousines:
Typically an extension of a regular four-door sedan, a traditional limo is modified to make it look more sophisticated and luxurious. The wheelbase and frame of the traditional limousines are extended much longer as compared to sedans in order to provide more legroom to the passengers on the forward-facing bench seat, Major amenities include TV, CD/DVD player, refrigerator and bar.
Stretch limousines:
These spacious and elegant limos have all the elements to grab the attention of the people at one go. With amenities such as TV, CD/DVD player, bar and refrigerator, the stretch limos come with a seating capacity of up to 15 passengers.
These limos are longer than other kinds of limo with seats arranged alongside the length of the car so that people can sit facing each other. The most popular stretch limos are Hummer H2, Mercedes-Benz S Class, Volkswagen, Lincoln Navigator, Lexus, Corvettes and Ford Excursion
Exotic limousines:
These limos are the ultimate in luxury and can be customized according to the needs of the passengers. Along with fully-loaded bar and disco lights, an exotic limo also includes facilities such as an operational hot tub, bullet proof glass, and soundproof sliding glass window partition separating the driver and the passengers and even a mini bedroom for ultimate comfort.
The high-end limos that can be changed into exotic limos include models such as Hummer H2, Jaguar, Infiniti, Cadillac DTS, Bentley, Chrysler, Audi, Lincoln Navigator, Ford Excursion, Lincoln Town Car, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Rolls-Royce and many more. All these models are very popular one and can be hired from any reputed New York, Oakland or San Francisco Limousine rental company.
Party bus:
If you are part of a large group of people on a tour, say a night out in San Francisco and the Bay Area, the ideal way to go about it is to hire a limousine party bus. A party bus can carry from 10 to 50 passengers in ultimate style and luxury. Usually a party bus is designed for larger groups of people and is equipped with comfortable seats, fully loaded in-built bars, and remote controlled large windows for better view, surround sound systems, plasma televisions, DVD player, disco lights, and also smoke machines. Many party buses allow smoking and drinking on board.
So, book a great limo and enjoy your ride in Miami!
Friday, March 13, 2009
What you need to know before hiring a Miami Limo Service
Hiring a Miami limousine service for your event is a popular trend. From weddings to corporate events, limos are now a standard form of transportation. With the integration of limousine services into our lives, the emergence of the limousine industry has created a multitude of options. When hiring a limo company, it is prudent to have a checklist to determine which option is right for your occasion.
Important factors in finding the right limo for your occasion
Particularly in Miami, limousine companies are readily available. Typically, limo operator can advise you on what type of limo is right for your need, however, to you may want to plan your call before you get a quote with key details such as:
• What is your exact purpose of hiring a limo?
• What kind of limousine will serve your needs?
• What is your budget for renting a limousine?
• What is the duration for which you need to rent a limousine?
• What kind of facilities you want inside your targeted limousine?
Call more than one limousine service even if it sounds like a great deal. Typically, limo companies can be found using a quick search on Google. If they are listed on the first page of Google, it’s likely that they have and established business as it does take time, money, effort to promote their online image.
Some limousine rental companies are specialized in a particular type of service or have a limited number of limo types. In some cases, limo company operators may steer prospective customers the wrong limo because a more appropriate limo my not be in their fleet. Try to find a limo company with a web site that displays their various limo types so you can have better assurance of the quality of your consultation. Modern limousines should offer a variety of options from mini dance floors, to full bars, to seating room for 15 or more, and luxury sitting arrangements you and your friends can enjoy the party to the maximum possible level. Hummer limos in Miami now exemplify luxury.
Planning your limousine booking is important. Early planning will assure that you get your limo of choice at the right price. Planning your limo hire may require some time, but it often pays off.
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